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Role of Static Transfer Switch in Data Centers

Sep 14, 2024

Know about the static transfer switch
A static transfer switch is an electrical device that’s able to reconfigure the connection of one or more electrical circuits, usually located at the load to one or the other of two power supply. static transfer switch is a power system switch enabling fast-signal-input electrical wiring changeover which is often used in situations where quick, reliable power supply to products is demanded, as in data centers.

The role of static transfer switch in data centers
Data centers represent an ever increasing demand in the modern world as they are, probably, the most progressing and dynamic parts of many businesses. A static transfer switch provides that in the case of loss of primary power, the load is shifted to secondary power, which is mostly from a backup generator within the shortest time possible, without the user even noticing the transfer.

Theses products include power inverter and static transfer switch which BVITTECH production and export, as well as more products. Our static transfer switch includes high-speed transfer modules and minimal transfer times in order to regard them to standard requirements of data centers.

The static transfer switch is a unique electrical device that forms connections based on the use of solid-state components. Thus, the static transfer switch functions by managing assets with the provision and energy flow to cells. After the primary source of power fails, the static transfer switch is able to sense this change and within milliseconds it is able to cut to the secondary source providing a seamless transition.

Where static transfer switch is applicable in data centers
Maximized uptime: Data centers, through the usage of this type of equipment, static, transfer switch s to maximize the uptime by eliminating the possibility of power interruptions.

Protection of sensitive equipment: The fast switching feature of a static transfer switch shields certain equipment from voltage storms.

Cost-effective: A static transfer switch is quite economical as compared to other systems providing redundant power backups.

The Static Transfer Switch forms part of essential equipment within data centers power management systems. BVITTECH's static transfer switch systems make it possible to continue operations without taking unnecessary risks to equipment due to power outages. As the market landscape for data center continues to broaden, the demand for static transfer switches in enhancing the reliability of the data center will increase in demand.

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